How to Reset Your Tastebuds and Get Away from Sweet and Salty TODAY !

Indulging in an excessive array of sugary and salty delights leaves our taste buds in a state of numbed oblivion.

As a result, we find it harder to enjoy the natural flavors of healthier foods.

how to beat sugar addicition by Teekay Rezeau-Merah
Sugar addiction by wayhomestudio on Freepik

It’s a vicious cycle, really: The more sweets and salty foods we consume, the less we taste, so we crave even more of them to feel satisfied. Artificial sweeteners and sucrose activate the brain’s natural reward pathway like drugs, releasing dopamine.

From a health point of view, resetting your taste buds will decrease your cravings for sweets and salty foods, thus leading to better eating habits.

But most importantly, resetting your taste buds will lead to a more nutrient-dense diet. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, green proteins, herbs and spices offer a wide range of essential nutrients that contribute to overall health and well-being.

  • So How Can I Reset my Taste Buds ?

That’s the million dollar question, with a 0 dollar solution: Intermittent Fasting.

Intermittent Fasting is the fastest way to good health.

In fact, did you know fasting is used as a method to reverse cancer and tumor growth ?

Dr. Sebi and now Chris Beat Cancer — among many others — talks about it a lot on his podcast. I highly recommend his content for health freaks and people who want to learn more about holistic medicine as a cure for cancer.

Think about it: Do you ever feel hungry when you’re sick ? No, no you don’t. Eating is the last thing I want to do when I’m sick. It’s ironic because, even though society (and our parents) often encourage us to eat for energy and to combat illnesses, it always feels like we’re going against our natural instincts.

That’s because we are.

But things get even more interesting.

Did you know that it takes our digestive system 24 to 72 hours to digest a meal ? Yes, one single meal.

It’s fascinating because the likes of Kelloggs, Nestle, Mickey Dee’s did such a great advertising job and so much brainwashing that we now think eating 3 to 4 times a day is normal. It’s the healthy way to be.

From Happy Meals to morning cereals and lunch menus, we are constantly bombarded with messages telling us to consume more. More of everything, but let’s stick to food.

Sugar Psychology: Does Sugar Promote Consumerism ?

Consuming three meals a day is taxing to the body. It overloads your digestive system. In other words, your digestive system is often living three days in just one.

That’s why our societies are now ridden with illness and all sorts of diseases. That’s why the numbers of SADS, or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome are increasing as time progresses. Of course, that and some other factors, including but not limited to the quality of food we eat.

  • How to Stay Healthy Today

Stop taxing your digestive system and your body.

Intermittent Fasting, proper hydration and the right foods can change your life. Literally, not figuratively.

Intermittent Fasting and a balanced diet can help you keep a healthy weight, detach yourself from addictions and sleep well/better.

10 Unconventional Ways to Improve Sleep

Besides, Intermittent Fasting not only saves you time but also reduces your expenses.

  • How to start Intermittent Fasting for beginners ?

First of all, breakfast is NOT a meal. It’s the moment when you BREAK your FAST. That can be at any moment in the day.

A good rule of thumb is to start your day with a tall glass of water. Add some lemon, cucumber or mint for better taste and hydration.

Starting the day with a glass of water gives your digestive system a gentle nudge, setting it on a healthy path for the day ahead.

The Unbelievable Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach !

Now, as for breaking your fast with a meal, another good rule of thumb is to have your first meal when the sun is the highest in the sky, and to stop eating when the sun goes down. This obviously changes depending on the seasons, as the sun sets much later in the summer.

To start your Intermittent Fasting journey, start slow, perhaps with a 14:10 or 16:8 method, then walk your way back to an ideal of 18:6.

I have been on the 18:6 method for several years. This means that I abstain from eating for 18 hours, then eat during the following 6. I usually eat between 2PM (first meal) and 8PM (last meal). I don’t snack in between, except when I’m at the beach ^^

My favorite snacks are fresh fruits and dry fruits. I love oats as well, so at times I just make myself a bowl of oats with oat milk and a bunch of dried fruits (apricots, berries, nuts etc.).

Intermittent Fasting allows the body to properly detoxify itself with the help of your liver (hence the importance of hydration), thus self-healing.

  • Final Thoughts

I started this piece with the idea of resetting your taste buds, Intermittent Fasting is the way to go, but don’t forget your bitters and your ginger drink.

Jamaicans (and Rastafarians) who practice the Ital diet will tell you that ginger drinks are extremely important to detoxify the body, and they’re right.

Rastafarianism in a nutshell

Bitters and ginger drinks also cleanse your system of mucus, the source of most diseases. But that’s another story for another day.

Thanks for reading.

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